en fr


MaiMosine, GRICAD and SARI started a cycle of conferences on reproducibility with two half-day seminars that took place on 6 and 9 April 2021 in remote mode.

The first half-day was devoted to a general introduction, a presentation of the ethical, legal and environmental issues at stake and an overview of the implementation in different disciplines.

The second half-day was devoted to the tools and methods used in more targeted areas such as research data management, as well as tools used in software development or data science.

The aim is to offer three presentations per year on various topics that attempt to cover the different aspects of reproducibility in research. The group will regularly offer new seminars and workshops on useful tools for reproducible research. You will find all this information on this page.


20 Octobre 2022 : Comment améliorer nos pratiques (traitement de données, écriture de codes) pour aller vers une recherche (plus) reproductible ? Retour d’expérience en économie appliquée.


25 November 2021 : Guix et Nix : des environnements de développements puissants au service de la Recherche Reproductible (in french)

21 April 2022 : Archiver, identifier, décrire et citer les logiciel avec HAL et Software Heritage (in french)

05 May 2022 : Le cahier de laboratoire électronique, un outil transverse au service de la recherche reproductible (in french)


6 April 2021 : Introduction et enjeux (in french)

9 April 2021 : Retours d’expériences (in french)